Examples of Energy Changes Around Us, From Solar Panels to Fans

Examples of Energy Changes Around Us, From Solar Panels to Fans

Do you guys know? There are many examples of energy changes all around us.

What are some examples of these energy changes? First, let’s find out what energy change is, let’s go!

Energy change is the change of one form of energy into another form of energy.

Energy itself is power or strength that can be used to carry out various activities.

There are various kinds of energy changes, namely changes in solar energy into electrical energy, changes in wind energy into motion energy, changes in electrical energy into light energy, and so on.

For more details, we find out examples of energy changes as follows:

Examples of Energy Changes

The following are examples of energy changes around us:

Examples of Converting Solar Energy to Electrical Energy

Solar energy can be used as electrical energy, friends.

An example is solar panels. Solar panels that absorb the sun’s energy

Then, inside the solar panel there will be a process that produces an electric current. After that, the connector on the solar panel will distribute electrical energy.

That way, we can meet our electricity needs from alternative energy sources.

Solar panels are an example of converting solar energy into electrical energy.

Examples of Changes in Wind Energy to Motion Energy

Wind energy can be used as energy for motion.

An example is a sailboat.

Sailboats utilize wind energy to propel the boat.

In addition to sailboats, windmills are also examples of changing wind energy into motion energy.

Examples of Changes in Chemical Energy to Light Energy

Chemical energy can be converted into light energy too, lo.

An example is the battery in a flashlight. The chemical energy in the battery is converted into light in a flashlight.

Another example of changing chemical energy into light energy is the use of batteries in cell phones.

Examples of Changes in Chemical Energy to Energy of Motion

In addition to being converted into light energy, chemical energy can also be converted into motion energy.

Examples are human activities, such as walking and pushing a table.

This is because food is a source of chemical energy in the body. The food that enters our body is processed into food essences.

Then the essence of the food is converted into motion energy that makes all parts of the body work.

In addition, another example is gasoline which makes motor vehicles move.

One of the motorized vehicles is a car. Cars use fuel (gasoline) to run the engine.

Well, cars use chemical energy stored in gasoline. Then the machine converts chemical energy into heat energy and motion energy.

Examples of Converting Electrical Energy to Light Energy

Electrical energy can be converted into light energy. Examples are lights, televisions, and computers.

In a lamp, electrical energy flows through the bulb and turns on.

Through this conversion of electrical energy into light energy, we can use lamps as lighting devices, both indoors and outdoors.

Examples of Converting Electrical Energy to Thermal Energy

Electrical energy can be converted into heat energy in electronic equipment.

An example is an electric iron.

The iron is electrified which heats the heating element of the iron. So the iron can transfer heat to the clothes and make clothes neat.

In addition to ironing, the conversion of electrical energy into heat energy is also used in rice cookers, electric stoves, soldering irons, electric ovens, air fryers, and others.

Examples of Converting Electrical Energy to Motion Energy

There are also electronic equipment that utilizes the conversion of electrical energy into motion energy.

For example the fan.

Electric current flows through the drive motor on the fan, the motor rotates and moves the fan blades.

That way, the surrounding air solar fan moves and the room becomes cooler.

In addition, the fan is also used to cool the computer engine.

In addition to fans, the conversion of electrical energy into motion energy is also used in electric saws, water pumps, and electric drills.

Those are examples of energy changes around us. Turns out there’s a lot, huh? Did you find any other examples?